
tirsdag 12. mai 2015

Rustic wooden farmhouse sign DIY

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a great week? This upcoming sunday is Norways national day,  May 17th. I wrote about it on my other blog here and here a couple of years ago, if your interested:)

Now, heres what I have been up to the last few days!

I have been admiring those wonderfully rustic wooden signs for quite some time now, and our dining room has the perfect spot for one!
For those of you who follow me on Instagram, I posted a picture of my driftwood collection. Yes, that is right, I collect driftwood. I might have a problem, haha...

Down at our boathouse, these beauties drift ashore all the time, and I pick up and bring home a few of  them, You newer know  when you are in need of some drift wood, am I right? 

On with the project....
I used one of the bigger pieces of drift wood for my farmhouse sign. You will have to print out your letters. I used quite large letters. Then you use a chalk crayon to draw on the back side of your letters. Make sure there is enough chalk to transfer to the wood,

When you have covered the back of all the letters, then you turn the paper around, place it on the wood. Make sure it is aligned. Then you tape it down, and start tracing the letters with a pencil. The chalk will now trace on to the wood, leaving you the outlines of the letters.

This is what it looks like when you are done with the tracing. Now you break out the paint!
I used a regular acrylic wall paint in white. I went a little back and forth on which I should make a chalk paint, but I desided that simple is best in this case.

I had allready decided that I wantet the letters to have the "wood" effect, so I painted around the letters instead. It is a little tedious, but SO worth it!

But before you know it....

Its fnished! And you will have this badboy up on your wall! Which is the best part:)

Isnt that just perfect?!
I really like the edge it gives to our dining room. Its the perfect touch of farmhous.
What do you think? I might have to make one for our kitchen as well. After all, I have unlimited sources of drift wood. :)

Shared over at:

4 kommentarer:

  1. Oh that is so effective for something so simple. I love it. Mimi xxx

  2. I LOVE this! It's so pretty.
    Thank you so much for sharing with me for Something to Talk About!

  3. I love that you made this out of drift wood! Gorgeous!


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