
torsdag 13. august 2015

DIY House Bed

Pinterest is a crazy thing you guys! I actually blame ALL of my crazy outsprings on Pinterest! I`m sure my husband does as well...

I have been looking at these DIY housebeds for a while now, and really wanted to make one for my 4 yeear old. Something that was custom made just for him, that he could use as his fort. 

The whole thing was quite simple, really. I printed out a couple of "recipes" from the web allso, but at the end, we went with our own dimensions. Which turned out perfect!

Husband did all the hammering and nailing (we used screws offcourse). A neet little detail is the metal fittings we used in every corner. Not only are they cool, but VERY necessary if you want it to stand in an uprised position. Haha...

The plan was to cut out new planks for the bottom with the materials we bought. But when we were finished with the frame, we were very happy to see that the old planks fittet perfect to the new mattress. I call it luck, my husband calls it planning.....

Guess who just loves his new bed! 
For now I like the raw wood-look. But who knows, maybe one day I`ll paint it.

The plan all along has been to put a cover on it, like a tent. It is on my to-do-list. But for some reason that list only gets longer and longer without anything being checked off....

Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear about it if any of you have made a house bed, or is planning to!


2 kommentarer:

  1. Awe! I wish I was little so I could have a house bed too! I love this idea!!!


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